F = MA

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Force = Mass times Acceleration

This isn't done that often for obvious reasons; Spirit is dangerous enough in a kayak!
This photo was taken at 3.1 feet on the old gauge, a very respectable medium flow on the Little White. There are two paddlers in the raft; Steve said that when they hit the bottom they got stuck against the right wall.

Here's Steve's account of what happened next:
"Me and a buddy ran Spirit at 3.1 feet in a 12 ft Raft and I got recirculated against that same right wall you're talking about. It held me there for a while and then I used my feet to kick off the wall and get in the out flow. I came up in about the same place your buddy did and swam my ass off so I didn't get flushed into Chaos. My Buddy ended up in the eddy on the right. I've enclosed a photo for you and have the whole trip on Video."